How To Make The Most Out Of Your Day
There's twenty-four hours in one day. Six to twelve of which we are sleeping. That leaves half or a little more than half of the day to do things we like. The days we work there's a little less time, but this doesn't mean we can't maximize our time. Our days off, are optimal to use the hours to our advantage.
Personally, making the most of my days off is waking up around 8, getting a morning workout in, making a protein filled smoothie, cleaning or going to get fresh air, making a good lunch, seeing my friends or family, resting a little/ watching Netflix, shower and get ready for bed.
Lately, I've been feeling even more productive on my days off. I've been motivating myself to get up earlier to prepare anything I need to before leaving. Then, grabbing a coffee in the morning and arriving at work with extra time to read my emails and write a bit. Some days I have time to get gas in the morning, which makes me feel extra productive and content.
During my break, I'll try to do as much as I can, if there's anything I want to get done or a call I need to make. After work, it's the perfect time when I'm still feeling motivated- to get groceries or head straight home and get a workout in. Afterwards, I like making my protein filled smoothie or dinner right away, depending how much time I have. This gives me the rest of the night to relax.
Four ways to help maximize your day:
Wake up at a decent time
We need to give ourselves enough sleep to feel woke and ready for the day. By going to sleep at a decent time the night before, we are able to wake up earlier the next day. It will give the energy needed to go through the day, we will be able to focus better, and we will have less distractions from others considering they will still be sleeping. Starting our day earlier also gives more time to accomplish our goals and activities with the hours we have.
Think about the times you've started your day earlier, had a good sleep and was able to finish the things you'd like to finish. You most likely felt on top of the world, accomplished and unstoppable.
In comparison to a day where you decided to stay in bed a little longer and you'd tell yourself "just another hour in bed" or "I don't feel like getting up". Afterwards, you were feeling lazy, lacking motivation and not accomplishing any goals.
We all have days where we need that extra sleep, and we need a relax day in bed. It's completely normal and we all do it, because sleeping is healthy and necessary to function. But imagine being in a routine where you're able to finish your tasks and still be able to get enough sleep.
Motivate yourself
There are most likely people around us who motivate us, but we are the ones that have to do it. As many times as our loved ones tell us we should do something, it's only until we see the meaning in accomplishing it, where we will do it.
Day to day, motivating ourselves can be done by making a list of tasks to finish and starting small. Telling ourselves: "for today, I will accomplish two of the ten goals on my list" and if we are feeling ambitious we can tackle a few more. At the end of the day, we have to remember: you are your number one motivator.
A big part of remaining motivated, is to continue. If we decide to take too long of a break or stop completing something it will become harder to accomplish what we want to accomplish. For example, when we are done work it's a perfect time to get home and continue the motivation.
"Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today" -Tim Fargo
Be productive
The efficiency that we can bring to our day, will not only help us out in the moment but also in the long run. We want to consistently grow and move forward, by completing what we need we are giving ourselves that leverage. This will bring happiness, confidence, a healthy mind and lifestyle.
When we are being efficient, we are able to accomplish as much as we can and want in one day, without burning out. The biggest factor with being productive, is picking one task and focusing on it. When we start to think of multiple things to do, it becomes difficult to accomplish one task.
These first three ways go hand in hand, because if we are waking up early and motivating ourselves, it will be easier to remain productive.
Do the things you love
We obtain likes and dislikes, that we do day to day or when we have time. We feel better by filling our happiness void, if we're doing the things we love. This is why, making the most of our day is adding in the activities we enjoy, especially when times are tough.
When things aren't going as great as we would want them to, it's the perfect time to give ourselves that boost of happiness. Even if you are doing one thing that you enjoy throughout the day. You will feel 100% better.
Give yourself ten to forty fives minutes, more if you have the chance, everyday. This can include, reading a book right before bed, working out in the morning or playing a sport with your friends on the weekend.
"There is no way I was born just to pay bills and then die. " -Anonymous
We gain an hour in November and we lose an hour in March every year. On those particular days, we can use this to our advantage by doing the activities we enjoy, accomplishing small or big tasks and waking up to fill up the most hours possible.
Now I would like to challenge you, for this week pick one to try:
-On the days you're working, give yourself at least thirty minutes to do one thing that makes YOU happy.
-On your day off, try waking up at a decent time to accomplish what you'd like.
-On a day where you don't feel like you can finish a task, try telling yourself "I can do this" or " today I will get this done"
We have to start small to make the most of our day on our days off and our days working. Think about the goals we need to accomplish and the things we want to fill our day with and we're already halfway there. We think it's "easier said than done" but once we get into a rhythm of putting our time first it'll be natural.